Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Psalm 118:8

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man."  Psalm 118:8

Men (or the world) may tempt you into doing things you know aren't right. The things of this world are not trustworthy. Yet, we seem to rely, even depend on them to get through the day. We are not aware, that in ignoring God, or simply "setting Him off to the side", is a sin. Whether or not you believe it, if God isn't no. 1, then there's a problem.

God is trustworthy. When this verse says "better to take refuge in", it's simply saying, it's smarter to trust in God, "than to trust in man." 

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but know this: The Lord loves each and every one of us, and He doesn't give up on us. Even if we've completely abandoned Him, He still has hope in us. He still loves us. Imagine that! It's hard to grasp His Being, since the human mind is set to put limits to everything! We have no idea how long eternity is! You may say: "Well, yeah, eternity is forever," Yet we still ask ourselves: "How long is forever?" When you say "I've got the rest of my life to do_______," That is NOTHING compared to forever! That's the significance of the size of Earth to the whole universe! NOTHING!

And so, we cannot linit God. He has no limits. He is trustworthy beyond trustworthy. Think of someone you trust. God is so trustworthy, that the person you trust is untrustworthy in God's eyes. He is so perfect, that what we think is "good" is really never close to His righteousness.

Now, not meaning to say that God will never think you're of any worth because He's so perfect... I'm saying that the Lord knows all, while man knows nothing. Compared to the Lord, we know nothing. That is how great He is.

Can we not trust Him now? What more do you need to say that He is in fact trustworthy?

Ponder on this for a few moments, and really think about whether God has been no. 1 in your life, your priorities.

Thank you,



  1. I love that you said, "I'm not sure where I'm going with this"! I think that a lot when I'm writing a post! Such a great message!

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Koster! It really means a lot. Thanks for visiting my blog, and hopefully you can keep re-visiting!
