Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ecclesiastes 3:11 - In His Time...

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11

Life can be so frustrating. We have great ideas and make our plans to carry them out expecting to see instant success. But sometimes, in spite of our efforts and hard work we still fall flat on our faces. Then we look to God and ask "Why?"

It is helpful to me to remember that children don't always understand why parents have to make rules they don't like. Children want to keep playing through their nap times, they will ask for more candy when they've already had too much... The parents say "no" in the child's best interest but the children may not understand. And sometimes the "no" is not really no, but only wait until a better time.

So it is with some of our prayers. We may not understand, but we can be assured that the answers we get are the best God has for us. Sometimes the plans that we think are so fantastic may be a bit pre-mature. Perhaps the waiting will produce much better results. It is likely that we need to spend more time in prayer before we make our plans. We never know but what God has something much better in mind that what we planned.

A cactus isn't necessarily beautiful, but when it is the right time it has beautiful blooms. We may have to settle for being the plain cactus until the magic moment when God blooms us.

Janice D. Green

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